We have just seen the devastating effects of milk farm gate prices on dairy farms in some parts of our great country. It was so amazing to see how readily the Australian public came to the support of these farmers and spent the extra few cents or dollars on farmer co-op milk. A lot of farmers are in the same position as these dairy farmers, whether they grow lamb, beef or cereal crops. That’s one of the reasons we chose to market our beef and lamb direct to the consumer. It is financially unsustainable for us to continue to farm and sell our product through wholesalers. We have just had one of the driest summers in the last 10 years. Farmer Dan has done a brilliant job of protecting the pastures while still fattening cattle, no easy task. BUT, we need your support. If we can’t sell these cattle in the next 2 months, and we don’t receive any rain, then they will have to go to the wholesaler, whether we like it or not. This Angus beef is just amazing, our fat cover is brilliant and it will truly melt in your mouth! If you’ve been putting off ordering, now is the time to do it! We love to connect with people who support us and support ethically grown, healthy produce.
Head over to the website and place an order or share a box with a mate!
May 2016